SB QST @ ARL $ARLB031 ARLB031 Vanity call update ZCZC AG11 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 31 ARLB031 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 29, 1996 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB031 ARLB031 Vanity call update Vanity call sign filing Gate 1 opens May 31! Gate 1 of the vanity call sign program opens May 31, and eligible hams may file applications on or after that date. Under Gate 1, you can file for a previously held individual or club call sign or for a call sign formerly held by a deceased close relative. Specific eligibility criteria are below. To request a vanity call sign for your primary station, you must already hold an unexpired amateur operator/primary station license. To obtain the former call sign of a deceased close relative, your license must be of the proper operator class. To request a vanity call sign for a club station, you must also hold an unexpired club station license listing you as the trustee. Vanity call sign applicants must use FCC Form 610-V to file. Applicants should refer to the licensee data base to make sure the call sign they are requesting is not already assigned. A call sign is normally assignable two years following license expiration, surrender, revocation, set aside, cancellation, void ab initio, or death of the grantee. FCC Fact Sheet PR-5000 Number 206-V, Amateur Station Vanity Call Sign System, has details. For explanations of Groups A, B, C and D and the geographic Regions, see Fact Sheet PR-5000 Number 206, Amateur Station Sequential Call Sign System. Legibility is critical! If your application is not legible, you could experience a delay in processing, lose the opportunity to obtain a requested call sign or even obtain a call sign different from what you want. Gate 1 Eligibility Criteria Request by Former Holder (Primary Station): For your primary station, you may request a call sign that was previously assigned to your primary, secondary, repeater, auxiliary link, control, or space station. You may request your former call sign even though it has been unassigned for less than two years. The two-year requirement does not apply to an otherwise eligible primary station if the call sign was previously assigned to a station of the requestor. You do not have to hold a class of operator license required for the Group (A, B, C, or D) for the call sign requested. A call sign request by a former holder may be from any group in the sequential system. Your mailing address does not have to be in the region designated in the sequential system for the call sign requested. A call sign requested by a former holder may be in any region. Request by Close Relative of Former Holder Now Deceased (Primary Station): For your primary station, you may request a call sign that was previously assigned to the primary, secondary, repeater, auxiliary link, control, or space station of your now-deceased spouse, child, grandchild, stepchild, parent, grandparent, stepparent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or in-law. You may request the former call sign of a close relative now deceased even though it has been unassigned for less than two years. Upon the death of the holder, a call sign is assignable immediately to an otherwise eligible primary station of a close relative. You must be an Amateur Extra Class operator to request a Group A call sign. You must be at least an Advanced Class operator to request a Group B call sign. You must be at least a Technician Class operator to request a Group C call sign. You must be at least a Novice class operator to request a Group D call sign. Your mailing address does not have to be in the region designated in the sequential system for the call sign requested. A call sign requested by a close relative of former holder now deceased may be in any region. Request by Former Holder (Club Station): For the club station for which you are the license trustee, you may request a call sign that was previously assigned to that station. You may request your club station's former call sign even though it has been unassigned for less than two years. The two-year requirement does not apply to an otherwise eligible club station if the call sign was previously assigned to the club station for which the requestor is the license trustee. You do not have to hold a class of operator license required for the Group (A, B, C, or D) for the call sign requested. A call sign request by former holder may be from any group in the sequential system. Your mailing address does not have to be in the region designated in the sequential system for the call sign requested. A call sign requested by a former holder may be in any region. A $30.00 fee is required with your FCC Form 610-V application. Payment of fees may be by check (payable to "FCC"), bank draft, money order or credit card. If paying by credit card, you must also complete and submit FCC Form 159 with your FCC Form 610-V. Do not send cash! Send your application package to: Federal Communications Commission, Amateur Vanity Call Sign Request, PO Box 358924, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5924. If you do not qualify under the above eligibility standards, your application will be dismissed. The FCC says it will announce Gate 1A in a future notice. Under Gate 1A, club station trustees may file for the former primary station call sign of a person now deceased, provided the club held a club station license on March 24, 1995. For more information about the vanity call sign program, call the FCC Consumer Assistance Branch, 800-322-1117. NNNN /EX